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gonadotropic hormone

(Encyclopedia) gonadotropic hormonegonadotropic hormonegōˌnădətrŏpˈĭk [key] or gonadotropin, any one of three glycoprotein (see protein) hormones released by either the anterior pituitary gland or…


(Encyclopedia) endorphinsendorphinsĕndôrˈfĭnz [key], neurotransmitters found in the brain that have pain-relieving properties similar to morphine. There are three major types of endorphins: beta…

Südhof, Thomas Christian

(Encyclopedia) Südhof, Thomas Christian, 1955–, German-American biochemist. M.D., b. Göttingen, Germany, Ph.D. Georgia Augusta Univ., Göttingen, 1982. Südhof joined the faculty at the Univ. of Texas…


(Encyclopedia) acetylcholineacetylcholineəsētˌəlkōˈlēn [key], a small organic molecule liberated at nerve endings as a neurotransmitter. It is particularly important in the stimulation of muscle…

Zhang Xianliang

(Encyclopedia) Zhang XianliangZhang Xianliangjäng shyän-lyäng [key], 1936–, Chinese writer. During the 1957 antirightist campaign, the Chinese Communists judged his poetry deviant and sentenced him…


(Encyclopedia) Spars [from the motto “Semper Paratus,” Lat.,=always prepared], the women's reserve of the U.S. Coast Guard, created in Nov., 1942, to release men for sea duty. Wartime enlistment…


(Encyclopedia) BarabbasBarabbasbərăbˈəs [key] [Aram.,=son of the father], bandit held in jail at the time of Jesus' arrest. Pontius Pilate, who, according to the Gospels, annually released a prisoner…


(Encyclopedia) paroleparolepərōlˈ [key], in criminal law, release from prison of a convict before the expiration of his term on condition that his activities be restricted and that he report…


(Encyclopedia) oxytocinoxytocinŏksĭtōˈsĭn [key], hormone released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland that facilitates uterine contractions and the milk-ejection reflex. The structure of…