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Goblet of Fire Released

Movie Released by Chris Frantz Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opened nation wide on November 18, 2005 Related Links Movie Quiz: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Book Quiz: Harry…

Other Noteworthy Releases

A fine way to beat the heat and be entertained Beyond Silence German director Caroline Link's debut is a touching, engaging exploration of the relationship between deaf parents (Howie Seago and…

First Results of Census 2000 Released

New figures put U.S. population at 281.4 million by Ann-Marie Imbornoni Population Links Census 1790–2000Colonial Population EstimatesTotal Population, 1970–1990Population by Age and Race, 1860…

Top 10 Kids' Movies Released in 2007

The following table lists the top 10 kids' movies of 2007, according to rank, movie, and domestic gross. Shrek the Third was the top grossing movie of 2007 with $322,…


(Encyclopedia) thyrotropinthyrotropinthīˌrätrōˈpĭn [key] or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), hormone released by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroxine…

Freedom of Information Act

(Encyclopedia) Freedom of Information Act (1966), law requiring that U.S. government agencies release their records to the public on request, unless the information sought falls into a category…


(Encyclopedia) chymechymekīm [key], semiliquid substance found in the stomach and resulting from the partial digestion of food by the salivary enzyme amylase, the gastric enzyme pepsin, and…