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Displaying 471 - 480

Caveat Emptor

The Question: What does "caveat emptor" mean? The Answer: Caveat emptor is Latin for "let the buyer beware." You might like to see our…

The Meaning of Darth Vader

The Question: I've been told that Darth Vader's name in Star Wars means something in another language. Is that true? The Answer: According to…

Meaning of R.S.V.P.

The Question: Hello we would like to know what the letters r.s.v.p. stand for. We know what it means, but aren't sure what each letter stands for. Please…

NASDAQ Spelled Out

The Question: What does NASDAQ stand for? The Answer: According to the dictionary, "NASDAQ" stands for National Association of…

Origin of "pap smear"

The Question: Where did the name "pap smear" come from? The Answer: The pap smear, a test for cervical cancer, is named for George N.…

The Petri Dish

The Question: How did the petri dish get its name? The Answer: The petri dish, which is a small glass or plastic container used for growing…

Radio and TV Stations in the U.S.

The Question: How many people in the U.S. subscribe to cable television? The Answer: As of 2008, there were 64,274,000 subscribers to basic…

Where Sally Ride Went to School

The Question: What schools did Sally Ride attend? The Answer: According to NASA, Sally Ride went to Westlake High School in Los Angeles…