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Displaying 351 - 360

World's First Skyjacking

The Question: When did the first case of hijacking occur? The Answer: We assume you're wondering about airplanes. In that case, the more…

How Long To Mars?

The Question: How long would it take to land a manned spacecraft on Mars? The Answer: According to NASA, a vessel with humans on it would take roughly six months…

The Longest Professional Baseball Game

The Question: I was searching your site for, but could not find the answer to, my question. I am trying to find out what was the longest baseball game ever, in innings and the final score of that…

Sentences using every letter?

The Question: I've always thought that the only sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet was "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Is…

Bills Stamped with Hawaii

The Question: During World War II the U.S. used $1 bills that were stamped with the word "Hawaii" on them. Could you explain a little about them and maybe something about…

Child Birth and Full Moons

The Question: Is there any correlation between full moons and child birth? The Answer: For years people have tried to blame the full moon for increasing just…


The Question: What is Chrismukkah? The Answer: Chrismukkah, to the extent that it exists, is a hybrid holiday combining Christmas and Hanukkah…

Words Ending in "gry"

The Question: There are supposed to be three words that end in "gry". Hungry and angry are two of them. What is the third one? The Answer: In common English, there are actually only two words…

The Articles of Confederation

See also Encyclopedia: Articles of Confederation To all to whom these Presents shall come, we the undersigned Delegates of the States affixed to our Names send greeting. Articles…