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Barcode Firsts

The Question: What product was the first to be purchased by scanning its barcode? The Answer: The first step toward today's bar codes and bar…

Best Child-Rearing States

The Question: I'm looking for information about what cities are best for raising children. Do you have any ideas? The Answer: Not…

Our History

Over Eight Decades of Infoplease has a long and remarkable history, from its origins as a radio program to its current status as a comprehensive and engaging encyclopedia website for…

Punctuation: Punctuation Matters

Punctuation MattersPunctuationPunctuation MattersPeriod, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the LineThe Comma: A Major PlayerThe Semicolon: Love Child of the Comma and the PeriodThe Colon:…

Election Ballots: Types and History

Paper, lever machines, butterfly, and more by David Johnson Types of Ballots Paper BallotsMechanical Lever MachinesPunch CardsMarksense (…

Homework Helper: Error

Sorry! We could not process your question because: Try Again Homework Center Home | Subject Areas | Study Skills | Speaking & Listening Skills | Writing Skills |…

World's First Skyjacking

The Question: When did the first case of hijacking occur? The Answer: We assume you're wondering about airplanes. In that case, the more…