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Foreign Ministers, Council of

(Encyclopedia) Foreign Ministers, Council of, organization of the foreign ministers of the World War II Allies—the United States, Great Britain, France, and the USSR—that, in a long series of…

Calles, Plutarco Elías

(Encyclopedia) Calles, Plutarco ElíasCalles, Plutarco Elíaspl&oomacr;tärˈkō ālēˈäs käˈyās [key], 1877–1945, Mexican statesman, president (1924–28). In 1913 he left schoolteaching to fight with…

virtual currency

(Encyclopedia) virtual currency, a means of payment that is electronically created and stored, more specifically an unregulated electronic medium of exchange that operates like a currency but is…


(Encyclopedia) writing, the visible recording of language peculiar to the human species. Writing enables the transmission of ideas over vast distances of time and space and is a prerequisite of…

Theories of the Universe: And God Said …

And God Said …Theories of the UniverseEvolution vs. CreationismIt's a Matter of OpinionHow Did We Get Here?And God Said … We've already discussed some of the creation story found in Genesis as…

Smoking and Life Expectancy

The Question: What is the life expectancy of smokers vs. non-smokers? The Answer: It's hard to give a firm answer to that question, in part…

Sentences: I Know It When I See It: The Sentence

I Know It When I See It: The SentenceSentencesIntroductionI Know It When I See It: The SentenceSentence Structure: The Fab FourSentence Functions: The Four TopsAlley Oops Sentence: Stop! Sentence…