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Herriot, Édouard

(Encyclopedia) Herriot, ÉdouardHerriot, Édouardādwärˈ ĕryōˈ [key], 1872–1957, French statesman and man of letters. After beginning an academic career he turned to politics. A moderate leftist,…

Luxemburg, Rosa

(Encyclopedia) Luxemburg, RosaLuxemburg, Rosarōˈzä l&oobreve;kˈsəmb&oobreve;rk [key], 1871–1919, German revolutionary, b. Russian Poland. Her revolutionary activities forced her to flee to…

Lorentz contraction

(Encyclopedia) Lorentz contractionLorentz contractionlôrˈĕnts [key], in physics, contraction or foreshortening of a moving body in the direction of its motion, proposed by H. A. Lorentz on…

Atomic Energy Commission

(Encyclopedia) Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), former U.S. government commission created by the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 and charged with the development and control of the U.S. atomic energy…


(Encyclopedia) AZT or zidovudinezidovudinezīdōˈvy&oomacr;dēnˌ [key], drug used to treat patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS; also called…

Synoptic Gospels

(Encyclopedia) Synoptic GospelsSynoptic Gospelssĭnŏpˈtĭk [key] [Gr. synopsis=view together], the first three Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), considered as a unit. They bear greater similarity to…


(Encyclopedia) dinosaurdinosaurdīˈnəsôr [key] [Gr., = terrible lizard], extinct land reptile of the Mesozoic era. The dinosaurs, which were egg-laying animals, ranged in length from 21&fslsh;2 ft…


(Encyclopedia) frontier, in U.S. history, the border area of settlement of Europeans and their descendants; it was vital in the conquest of the land between the Atlantic and the Pacific. The…


(Encyclopedia) greenback, in U.S. history, legal tender notes unsecured by specie (coin). In 1862, under the exigencies of the Civil War, the U.S. government first issued legal tender notes (…