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Displaying 131 - 140

Lederman, Leon Max

(Encyclopedia) Lederman, Leon MaxLederman, Leon Maxlĕdˈərmən [key], 1922–2018, American physicist, Ph.D. Columbia, 1951. He was a professor at Columbia until he became director of the Fermi National…

Kuchuk Kainarji, Treaty of

(Encyclopedia) Kuchuk Kainarji, Treaty ofKuchuk Kainarji, Treaty ofk&oomacr;ch&oomacr;kˈ kīnärˈjē, Turk. küchükˈ kīˌnärjäˈ [key], 1774, peace treaty signed at the end of the first of the…

Cyprian, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Cyprian, SaintCyprian, Saintsĭpˈrēən [key], 200?–258, Father of the Church, bishop of Carthage (c.248), and perhaps a disciple of Tertullian. Converted in his middle age, he rose…


(Encyclopedia) evil, antithesis of good. The philosophical problem of evil is most simply stated in the question, why does evil exist in the world? Death, disease, and sin are often included in the…

Myrdal, Gunnar

(Encyclopedia) Myrdal, GunnarMyrdal, Gunnargŭnˈär [key]Myrdal, Gunnar mĭrˈdäl, Swed. mürˈdäl [key], 1898–1987, Swedish economist, sociologist, and public official; husband of Alva Myrdal. A graduate…

Masolino da Panicale

(Encyclopedia) Masolino da PanicaleMasolino da Panicalemäzōlēˈnō dä pänēkäˈlā [key], 1383–c.1447, Florentine painter of the early Renaissance, whose real name was Tommaso di Cristoforo Fini. His…

Mar, John Erskine, 2d (or 7th) earl of

(Encyclopedia) Mar, John Erskine, 2d (or 7th) earl of, 1558–1634, Scottish nobleman; son of the 1st (or 6th) earl. In 1578 he was persuaded by James Douglas, 4th earl of Morton, to assert his claims…

Rabe, David

(Encyclopedia) Rabe, DavidRabe, Davidrāb [key], 1940–, American playwright, b. Dubuque, Iowa; grad. Loras College (B.A., 1962), Villanova Univ. (M.A., 1968). Rabe served in Vietnam (1965–67) and his…


(Encyclopedia) rationalism [Lat.,=belonging to reason], in philosophy, a theory that holds that reason alone, unaided by experience, can arrive at basic truth regarding the world. Associated with…

pollution allowance

(Encyclopedia) pollution allowance or emission rights, government-issued permit to emit a certain amount of a pollutant. The holder of the permit may use it to pollute legally, may trade permits, or…