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Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames

(Encyclopedia) Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, 1829–94, English jurist and journalist; brother of Sir Leslie Stephen. He was educated at Eton and Cambridge and was admitted to the bar in 1854. After…


(Encyclopedia) wasp, name applied to many winged insects of the order Hymenoptera, which also includes ants and bees. Most wasps are carnivorous, feeding on insects, grubs, or spiders. They have…

The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part II

Wizardry poetry from our readers! On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and other kinds of Harry poems! All About Harry Haikus Hedwig is swooping through the…

The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part III

Wizardry poetry from our readers! On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, and other kinds of Harry poems! All About Harry Haikus His eyes are green and filled…

The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part IV

Wizardry poetry from our readers! On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, II, III, V, VI, VII, and other kinds of Harry poems! All About Harry Haikus In a wild realm where…

The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part VI

Wizardry poetry from our readers! On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VII, and other kinds of Harry poems! All About Harry Haikus Emerald green eyes?…

The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part VII

Wizardry poetry from our readers! On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and other kinds of Harry poems! All About Harry Haikus A quite sneaky rat…

More from the Harry Potter Poetry Archive

Wizardry poetry from our readers! Read Harry Potter Haiku from our readers! Other Fun Harry Poems from Our Readers the winds blow and the waves splash the giant squid is…