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PREFACE.   SERMON. Psalm CXLIV: 12.- “That our daughters may be as corner-stones.“ Last Sunday, I spoke of the Domestic Function of Woman-what she may do for the higher development of the…

Top 100 Greatest Heroes and Villains

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesFrom cheering on the underdog boxer Rocky Balboa to being terrorized by Dr. Hannibal Lecter, heroes and villains have always been a part of the movie experience. Most…

New Mexico

New Mexico State Information Official Name: The State of New Mexico; Nuevo México (Spanish); Yootó Hahoodzo (Navajo) Capital: Santa Fe Organized as a territory: September 9, 1850 Entered Union (…


(Encyclopedia) jazz, the most significant form of musical expression of African-American culture and arguably the most outstanding contribution the United States has made to the art of music…