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Brewer's: Pots

A Stock Exchange term, signifying the “North Staffordshire Railway stock.” Of course, the word means “the potteries” (See Stock Exchange Slang.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

The Congress of Women: Introduction

PrefaceOpening AddressIntroduction The Congresses held in the Woman's Building were inaugurated under a resolution unanimously passed by the Board of Lady Managers on September 7, 1891,…

Brewer's: Potwallopers

before the passing of the Reform Bill (1832), were those who claimed a vote because they had boiled their own pot in the parish for six months. (Saxon, to boil; Dutch, opwallen, our wallop…

Brewer's: Two of a Trade never agree

The French say, Fin contre fin n'est bon à faire doublure - i.e. Two materials of the same nature never unite well together. Een a beggar sees with woe A beggar to the house-door go.…

Brewer's: Stone Jug

Either a stone jar or a prison. The Greek word (kordmos) means either an earthen jar or a prison, as in (chalkeo en keramo), in a brazen prison. When Venus complained to the immortals that…

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: Notes

  Notes [The references are, except in the first note only, to the stanzas of the Fifth edition.] (Stanza I.) Flinging a Stone into the Cup was the signal for "To Horse!" in the Desert. (II.)…

Entertainment News from August 2000

2Robert Downey Jr. is released from California state prison and immediately checks himself into a residential drug rehabilitation center.4Helen Hunt and Hank Azaria announce that they're…

Zechariah: 11

Zechariah Chapter 11 1 Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. 2 Howl, fir tree; for the cedar is fallen; because the mighty are spoiled: howl, O ye oaks…