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Top Ten Most Polluted Places in the World, 2007

This Top Ten list was compiled by the Technical Advisory Board of the Blacksmith Institute, an environmental NGO based in New York. The criteria used in ranking include the size of the affected…

Hyades, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia) Hyades, in Greek mythology, nymphs; daughters of Atlas and Aethra. They cared for both Zeus and Dionysus as infants. In recognition of these services, they were placed among the stars…


(Encyclopedia) UzUzŭz [key], in the Bible. 1 Grandson of Shem. 2 Grandson of Seir. 3 Land of Job, variously placed in Aram, Edom, or N Arabia.

Darley, Felix Octavius Carr

(Encyclopedia) Darley, Felix Octavius Carr, 1822–88, American illustrator, lithographer, and painter, b. Philadelphia. He is best known for his pen-and-ink drawings, which, for their inventiveness,…


(Encyclopedia) Aaron's-rod, popular name for several tall-flowering, infrequently branching plants, such as goldenrod and mullein. The name is an allusion to the rod that Aaron placed before the ark…

Patroon painters

(Encyclopedia) Patroon painters, group of portraitists active in colonial New York from 1715 to 1730. Their work embodied the first clearly American style. The Patroon painters served the Dutch…

Timotheus , Greek sculptor

(Encyclopedia) Timotheus, fl. 4th cent. b.c., Greek sculptor of Athens, recorded as one of the sculptors who worked with Scopas on the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. About 375 b.c., according to an…


(Encyclopedia) astigmatismastigmatisməstĭgˈmətĭzˌəm [key], type of faulty vision caused by a nonuniform curvature in the refractive surfaces—usually the cornea, less frequently the lens—of the eye.…