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(Encyclopedia) leptonleptonlĕpˈtŏnˌ [key] [Gr.,=light (i.e., lightweight)], class of elementary particles that includes the electron and its antiparticle, the muon and its antiparticle, the tau and…

Goebbels, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Goebbels, Joseph (Paul Joseph Goebbels)Goebbels, Josephpoul yōˈzĕf göbˈəls [key], 1897–1945, German National Socialist propagandist. He was kept out of the service in World War I by a…

Jospin, Lionel Robert

(Encyclopedia) Jospin, Lionel RobertJospin, Lionel RobertzhôspăNˈ [key], 1937–, French politician, premier of France (1997–2002). He studied at the elite École Nationale d'Administration (1961–65)…

Ionian Islands

(Encyclopedia) Ionian Islands Ionian Islands īōˈnēən [key], chain of islands, c.890 sq mi (2,310 sq km), W Greece, in…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Electrodynamic loudspeaker loudspeaker or speaker, device used to convert electrical energy into sound. It consists essentially of a thin flexible sheet called a diaphragm that…

New Democratic party

(Encyclopedia) New Democratic party (NDP), Canadian political party, founded in 1961 when the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) reorganized itself and entered into close ties with Canadian…


(Encyclopedia) NebuchadnezzarNebuchadnezzarnĕbˌəkədnĕzˈər [key], d. 562 b.c., king of Babylonia (c.605–562 b.c.), son and successor of Nabopolassar. In his father's reign he was sent to oppose the…

Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the

(Encyclopedia) Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the, former UN trust territory administered by the United States, consisting of the Caroline Islands, Marshall Islands, and Mariana Islands (…

Ottocar II

(Encyclopedia) Ottocar II or Přemysl Ottocar II, c.1230–1278, king of Bohemia (1253–78), son and successor of Wenceslaus I. Ottocar shrewdly exploited the disorders of the great interregnum in the…


(Encyclopedia) milling, mechanical grinding of wheat or other grains to produce flour. Milling separates the fine, mealy parts of grain from the fibrous bran covering. In prehistoric times grain was…