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Caroline Islands

(Encyclopedia) Caroline Islands, archipelago, c.830 sq mi (2,150 sq km), W Pacific, just north of the equator. The largest islands are Palau (Belau), Yap, Chuuk (Truk), Pohnpei (Ponape), and Kosrae.…


(Encyclopedia) ultrasonics, study and application of the energy of sound waves vibrating at frequencies greater than 20,000 cycles per second, i.e., beyond the range of human hearing. The application…

Zhirinovsky, Vladimir Volfovich

(Encyclopedia) Zhirinovsky, Vladimir VolfovichZhirinovsky, Vladimir Volfovichvlədyēˈmĭr vôlˈfəvyĭchˌ zhĭrˌĭnôfˈskē [key], 1946–, Russian politician, b. Kazakh SSR (now Kazakhstan) as Vladimir…

water mold

(Encyclopedia) water mold, common name for a group of multinucleated organisms that superficially resemble fungi but are now recognized as having an independent evolutionary lineage and are placed in…


(Encyclopedia) vulcanizationvulcanizationvŭlˌkənəzāˈshən [key], treatment of rubber to give it certain qualities, e.g., strength, elasticity, and resistance to solvents, and to render it impervious…


(Encyclopedia) ploverploverplŭvˈər [key], common name for some members of the large family Charadriidae, shore birds, small to medium in size, found in ice-free lands all over the world. Plovers are…

Steichen, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Steichen, EdwardSteichen, Edwardstīˈkən [key], 1879–1973, American photographer, b. Luxembourg, reared in Hancock, Mich. Steichen is credited with the transformation of photography…

term limits

(Encyclopedia) term limits, statutory limitations placed on the number of terms officeholders may serve. Focusing especially on members of the U.S. Congress, term limits became an important national…

Archimedes' principle

(Encyclopedia) Archimedes' principle, principle that states that a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. The principle applies to both floating…


(Encyclopedia) lemon, one of the citrus fruits, from a tree (Citrus limon) of the family Rutaceae (orange family), probably native to India. A small tree (to about 15 ft/5 m tall) with thorny…