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Paris, Congress of

(Encyclopedia) Paris, Congress of, 1856, conference held by representatives of France, Great Britain, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Sardinia, Russia, Austria, and Prussia to negotiate the peace after…

Nu, U

(Encyclopedia) Nu, UNu, U&oomacr; n&oomacr; [key], 1907–95, Burmese political leader, prime minister of Burma (1948–56, 1957–58, 1960–62). A nationalist, he was expelled by the British…

National Radio Astronomy Observatory

(Encyclopedia) National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), federal observatory for radio astronomy, founded in 1956 and operated under contract with the National Science Foundation by Associated…


(Encyclopedia) evaporation, change of a liquid into vapor at any temperature below its boiling point. For example, water, when placed in a shallow open container exposed to air, gradually disappears…


(Encyclopedia) fainting or syncopefaintingsĭngˈkəpē [key], temporary loss of consciousness caused by an insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. It can be concurrent with any serious disease or…


(Encyclopedia) cribbagecribbagekrĭbˈĭj [key], card game played by two persons with a deck of 52 cards and a scoring (pegging) device known as a cribbage board. The board contains four rows of 30…

fraternal orders

(Encyclopedia) fraternal orders, organizations whose members are usually bound by oath and who make extensive use of secret ritual in the conduct of their meetings. Most fraternal orders are limited…

Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian

(Encyclopedia) Bell, Gertrude Margaret LowthianBell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthianlōˈᵺēən [key], 1868–1926, British traveler, author, and government official, one of the builders of the modern state of…

temporary worker

(Encyclopedia) temporary worker, an employee, hired through a specialized employment agency, who generally works less than a year on one assignment, regardless of the number of hours worked per week…


(Encyclopedia) subtreasury. After President Andrew Jackson vetoed (July 10, 1832) the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States, the deposits were removed and placed in state banks that…