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Rajapaksa, Mahinda

(Encyclopedia) Rajapaksa or Rajapakse, MahindaRajapaksa or Rajapakse, Mahindamähĭnˈdä räjäpäkˈsə [key], 1945–, Sri Lankan political leader. A lawyer from a political family, he was first elected to…


(Encyclopedia) pittapittapĭtˈə [key], name used to refer to a genus (Pitta) of small, plump, brightly colored birds. The genus, including some twenty-three species, constitutes the whole of the…


(Encyclopedia) subtreasury. After President Andrew Jackson vetoed (July 10, 1832) the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States, the deposits were removed and placed in state banks that…

Smith, Sydney

(Encyclopedia) Smith, Sydney, 1771–1845, English clergyman, writer, and wit, ordained in the Church of England in 1794. In 1798 he went as a tutor to Edinburgh, where he studied medicine,…

barrow, in archaeology

(Encyclopedia) barrow, in archaeology, a burial mound. Earth and stone or timber are the usual construction materials; in parts of SE Asia stone and brick have entirely replaced earth. A barrow built…

Sirach, book of the Bible

(Encyclopedia) SirachSirachsīˈrək [key] or EcclesiasticusEcclesiasticusēklēˌzēăsˈtĭkəs [key] [Lat. from Gr.,=ecclesiastical], book included in the Septuagint and in the Roman Catholic canon of the…


(Encyclopedia) polarographypolarographypōˌlərŏgˈrəfē [key], in chemistry, method for analyzing the composition of a dilute electrolytic solution (see electrolyte). Two electrodes are placed in the…

Schacht, Hjalmar Horace Greeley

(Encyclopedia) Schacht, Hjalmar Horace GreeleySchacht, Hjalmar Horace Greeleyyälˈmär shäkht [key], 1877–1970, German financier. He held executive positions in several major German banks before…


(Encyclopedia) BabismBabismbäˈbĭzəm [key], system of doctrines proclaimed in Persia in 1844 by Ali Muhammad of Shiraz. Influenced by the Shaykhi Shiite theology that viewed the Twelve Imams as…

temporary worker

(Encyclopedia) temporary worker, an employee, hired through a specialized employment agency, who generally works less than a year on one assignment, regardless of the number of hours worked per week…