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Zhao Ziyang

(Encyclopedia) Zhao Ziyang or Chao Tzu-yangZhao Ziyangboth: zhou zēyäng [key], 1919–2005, Chinese Communist leader. He joined the party in 1938, was active as a local party leader during World War II…

Zia ur-Rahman, Khaleda

(Encyclopedia) Zia ur-Rahman, Khaleda, or Khaleda ZiaZia ur-Rahman, Khaleda,käˈlĕdä zēˈä &oomacr;r-rämänˈ [key], 1945–, Bangladesh political leader. In 1960 she married Zia ur-Rahman, an army…


(Encyclopedia) stethoscopestethoscopestĕthˈəskōpˌ [key] [Gr.,=chest viewer], instrument that enables the physican to hear the sounds made by the heart, the lungs, and various other organs. The…


(Encyclopedia) Suharto or SoehartoSuhartoboth: s&oomacr;härˈtō [key], 1921–2008, president of Indonesia (1967–98). A veteran of the war for independence (1945–49) against the Dutch, he became…

Toledo Manrique, Alejandro

(Encyclopedia) Toledo Manrique, Alejandro, 1946–, Peruvian political leader, president of Peru (2001–6). Toledo, who has indigenous Andean roots, was born into poverty in rural Peru and grew up in…

Wolf, Markus Johannes

(Encyclopedia) Wolf, Markus JohannesWolf, Markus Johannesmärˈk&oobreve;s yōhänˈəs [key]Wolf, Markus Johannes vôlf [key], 1923–2006, East German spymaster. A legendary cold-war espionage chief, he…


(Encyclopedia) Agra Agra äˈgrə, ăgˈrə [key], former province, N central India. The presidency, or province, of Agra was created in 1833 when the British partitioned the…

Korean War

(Encyclopedia) Korean War, conflict between Communist and non-Communist forces in Korea from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953. At the end of World War II, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel into…


(Encyclopedia) photometryphotometryfōtŏmˈətrē [key], branch of physics dealing with the measurement of the intensity of a source of light, such as an electric lamp, and with the intensity of light…

polarization of light

(Encyclopedia) polarization of light, orientation of the vibration pattern of light waves in a singular plane. Unpolarized light can be converted into a single polarized beam by means of the Nicol…