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Classical Mythology: No Place Like Home?

No Place Like Home?Classical MythologyCrimes of Passion: Jason, Medea, and the ArgonautsAssembling the ArgonautsIn Search of AdventureWitch Way to the Golden FleeceCrime and Punishment: The Long Way…

Weather: There's No Place Like Home

There's No Place Like HomeWeatherThere's No Place Like HomeThunderstormsDoing the TwistThe ChaseStaying Safe in a Storm Although the mesoscale level of weather action is small in stature, it…

22 Most Haunted Places in Texas

Top of Page Source: iStockFor anyone seeking the Halloween thrill of the supernatural or a ghostly encounter, the Lone Star State is one of your best bets. Not only does Texas have a long and varied…

Former Place Names of Countries and Cities

Current name Old Name Ethiopia Abyssinia Ankara, Turkey Angora, Turkey Czech Republic and Slovakia Bohemia, Moravia, Chechoslovakia Sri Lanka Ceylon Istanbul, Turkey…

Important Places in the Gay-Rights Movement

From Greenwich Village to San Francisco, sites that have helped shape the gay-rights movement The Stonewall Inn, Greenwich Village, New York. Source: WikiCommons Related Links American Gay…

Places Where Women Made History

Some people consider the single most important place in U.S. women's history to be Seneca Falls, New York, where on July 19, 1848, the first women's rights convention was held. Seneca Falls…

stereophonic sound

(Encyclopedia) stereophonic sound, sound recorded simultaneously through two or more electronic channels. For live recordings, microphones are placed in different positions relative to the sound…

Amy Lowell: Two Travellers in the Place Vendome

Two Travellers in the Place VendomeReign of Louis PhilippeA great tall column spearing at the sky With a little man on top. Goodness! Tell me why? He looks a silly thing enough to stand up…