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(Encyclopedia) dormouse, name for Old World nocturnal rodents of the family Gliridae. There are many dormouse species, classified in several genera. Many resemble small squirrels. Dormice sleep…

Juan Carlos I

(Encyclopedia) Juan Carlos IJuan Carlos Ihwän kärˈlōs [key], 1938–, king of Spain (1975–2014), b. Rome. The grandson of Alfonso XIII, he was educated in Switzerland and in Spain. Placed by his father…

Lee Teng-hui

(Encyclopedia) Lee Teng-huiLee Teng-huilēˈ dŭngˈ-hwēˈ [key], 1923–2020, Taiwanese agricultural economist and politician, president of Taiwan (1988–2000). Born in Taiwan when it was ruled by Japan, he…


(Encyclopedia) altar, table or platform for the performance of religious sacrifice. In its simplest form the altar is a small pile, with a square or circular surface, made of stone or wood. Its…

Fillon, François Charles Amand

(Encyclopedia) Fillon, François Charles AmandFillon, François Charles AmandfräNswäˈ shärl ämäNˈ fēyôNˈ [key], 1954–, French political leader, b. Le Mans. A conservative, he served as an assembly…

force bill

(Encyclopedia) force bill, popular name for several laws in U.S. history, notably the act of Mar. 2, 1833, and the Reconstruction acts of May 31, 1870; Feb. 28, 1871; and Apr. 20, 1871. The first…


(Encyclopedia) Agra Agra äˈgrə, ăgˈrə [key], former province, N central India. The presidency, or province, of Agra was created in 1833 when the British partitioned the…


(Encyclopedia) Suharto or SoehartoSuhartoboth: s&oomacr;härˈtō [key], 1921–2008, president of Indonesia (1967–98). A veteran of the war for independence (1945–49) against the Dutch, he became…

Velázquez, Diego de

(Encyclopedia) Velázquez, Diego deVelázquez, Diego devəlăsˈkwĭz, Span. dyāˈgō dā vāläthˈkāth [key], c.1460–1524?, Spanish conquistador, first governor of Cuba, b. Cuéllar, Spain. He sailed with…


(Encyclopedia) velvet, fabric having a soft, thick, short pile, usually of silk, and a plain twill or satin weave ground. The pile surface is formed by weaving an extra set of warp threads that are…