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(Encyclopedia) CE5 A pendulum clock: Weight-driven clock mechanism clock, instrument for measuring and indicating time. Predecessors of the clock were the sundial, the hourglass, and the…

space station

(Encyclopedia) space station or space platform, artificial earth satellite, usually manned, that is placed in a fixed orbit and can serve as a base for astronomical observations; zero-gravity…


(Encyclopedia) bookkeeping, maintenance of systematic and convenient records of money transactions in order to show the condition of a business enterprise. The essential purpose of bookkeeping is to…

minstrel show

(Encyclopedia) minstrel show, stage entertainment by white performers made up as blacks. Thomas Dartmouth Rice, who gave (c.1828) the first solo performance in blackface and introduced the song-and-…

Massys, Quentin

(Encyclopedia) Massys, Matsys, Messys, or Metsys, QuentinMassys, Matsys, Messys, or Metsys, Quentinkvĕnˈtĭn mäsīsˈ, mätsīsˈ, mĕ–, mĕt– [key], c.1466–1530, Flemish painter. After studying in Louvain,…

Maria II

(Encyclopedia) Maria II (Maria da Glória), 1819–53, queen of Portugal (1834–53), daughter of Peter IV (Pedro I of Brazil). Pedro, having succeeded to the Portuguese throne on the death (1826) of his…


(Encyclopedia) leveeleveelĕvˈē [key] [Fr.,=raised], embankment built along a river to prevent flooding by high water. Levees are the oldest and the most extensively used method of flood control. They…

rose window

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Rose window (Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris) rose window, large, stone-traceried, circular window of medieval churches. Romanesque churches of both England and the Continent…

safety lamp

(Encyclopedia) safety lamp, oil lamp designed for safe use in mines and other places where flammable gases such as firedamp (see damp) may be present. Its invention (c.1816) is usually attributed to…