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Shapur I

(Encyclopedia) Shapur IShapur Ishäp&oomacr;rˈ [key] or Sapor IShapur Isäˈpôr [key], d.272, king of Persia (241–72), son and successor of Ardashir I, of the Sassanid, or Sassanian, dynasty. He was…

Sickingen, Franz von

(Encyclopedia) Sickingen, Franz vonSickingen, Franz vonfränts fən zĭˈkĭngən [key], 1481–1523, German knight. Placed under the ban of the Holy Roman Empire because of his profitable forays along the…

Simeon I

(Encyclopedia) Simeon I, c.863–927, ruler (893–927) and later first czar of Bulgaria. He was placed on the throne by his father, Boris I, who had returned from a monastery to depose his first son,…

Phyfe, Duncan

(Encyclopedia) Phyfe, DuncanPhyfe, Duncanfīf [key], c.1768–1854, American cabinetmaker, b. Scotland. He emigrated to America c.1783, settling at Albany, N.Y., where he was apprenticed to a…

Pérez Rodríguez, Carlos Andrés

(Encyclopedia) Pérez Rodríguez, Carlos AndrésPérez Rodríguez, Carlos Andréskärˈlōs ändrāsˈ pāˈrās rôdrēˈgās [key], 1922–2010, president of Venezuela (1974–78, 1989–93). An aide to President Rómulo…

Tunstall, Cuthbert

(Encyclopedia) Tunstall or Tonstall, CuthbertTunstall or Tonstall, Cuthbertboth: tŭnˈstəl [key], 1474–1559, English bishop. After studying at Oxford, Cambridge, and Padua, he entered the church and…

Voznesensky, Andrei Andreyevich

(Encyclopedia) Voznesensky, Andrei AndreyevichVoznesensky, Andrei Andreyevichəndrāˈ əndrāˈəvĭch vəznyəsyānˈskē [key], 1933–2010, Russian poet, b. Moscow. Voznesensky studied at the Moscow…


(Encyclopedia) divination, practice of foreseeing future events or obtaining secret knowledge through communication with divine sources and through omens, oracles, signs, and portents. It is based on…

foster care

(Encyclopedia) foster care, generally, care of children on a full-time, temporary basis by persons other than their own parents. Also known as boarding-home care, foster care is intended to offer a…