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Delescluze, Louis Charles

(Encyclopedia) Delescluze, Louis CharlesDelescluze, Louis Charleslwē shärl dəlāklüzˈ [key], 1809–71, French journalist and radical republican. In his active career he was often in prison or in exile…


(Encyclopedia) KansaKansakănˈsô [key], people whose language belongs to the Siouan branch of the Hokan-Siouan linguistic stock (see Native American languages), also known as the Kansas or Kaw.…


(Encyclopedia) rouletterouletter&oomacr;lĕtˈ [key], game of chance popular in gambling casinos, and in a simplified form elsewhere. In gambling houses the roulette wheel is set in an oblong table…

Slaughterhouse Cases

(Encyclopedia) Slaughterhouse Cases, cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1873. In 1869 the Louisiana legislature granted a 25-year monopoly to a slaughterhouse concern in New Orleans for the…

Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François, Abbé

(Encyclopedia) Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François, AbbéRaynal, Guillaume Thomas François, Abbégēyōmˈ tômäˈ fräNswäˈ äbāˈ rānälˈ [key], 1713–96, French historian and philosopher. Raynal was a priest,…

Orbiting Geophysical Observatory

(Encyclopedia) Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (OGO), series of six orbiting observatories (see observatory, orbiting) launched between 1964 and 1969 by the National Aeronautics and Space…


(Encyclopedia) peonypeonypēˈənē [key], any plant of the genus Paeonia of the family Ranunculaceae (buttercup family, although placed in the order Dilleniales as a separate family, the Paeoniaceae, by…

Abdullah I

(Encyclopedia) Abdullah I (Abdullah ibn Husayn)Abdullah Iäbd&oobreve;lˈlä ĭˈbən h&oobreve;sānˈ [key], 1882–1951, king of Jordan (1946–51), b. Mecca; son of Husayn ibn Ali of the Hashemite…

contact lens

(Encyclopedia) contact lens, thin plastic lens worn between the eye and eyelid that may be used instead of eyeglasses. Actors, models, and others wear them for appearance, and athletes use them for…

Bell, John

(Encyclopedia) Bell, John, 1797–1869, American statesman, b. near Nashville, Tenn. A leading member of the Nashville bar, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1827–41), was speaker in 1834…