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(Encyclopedia) MauretaniaMauretaniamôrˌətāˈnēə [key], ancient district of Africa in Roman times. In a vague sense it meant only “the land of the Moors” and lay W of Numidia, but more specifically it…

Maury, Matthew Fontaine

(Encyclopedia) Maury, Matthew FontaineMaury, Matthew Fontainefŏntānˈ môrˈē [key], 1806–73, American hydrographer and naval officer, b. near Fredericksburg, Va. Appointed a midshipman in 1825, he saw…


(Encyclopedia) mandorlamandorlamänˈdôrlä [key], [Ital.,=almond], a medieval Christian artistic convention by which an oval or almond-shaped area or series of lines surrounds a deity, most commonly…

Constantine V, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) Constantine V (Constantine Copronymus), 718–75, Byzantine emperor (741–75), son and successor of Leo III. An able general and administrator, he fought successfully against the Arabs,…

Cunard, Sir Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Cunard, Sir SamuelCunard, Sir Samuelky&oomacr;närdˈ [key], 1787–1865, Canadian pioneer of regular transatlantic steam navigation, b. Halifax, N.S. The son of a United Empire…

Alfonso I, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) Alfonso I, 1109?–1185, first king of Portugal, son of Henry of Burgundy. After his father's death (1112), his mother, Countess Teresa, ruled the county of Portugal with the help of her…


(Encyclopedia) defibrillator, device that delivers an electrical shock to the heart in order to stop certain forms of rapid heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias). The shock changes a fibrillation…


(Encyclopedia) cyanobacteriacyanobacteriasīˌənōbăktĭrˈēə, sī-ănˌō– [key] or blue-green algae, photosynthetic bacteria that contain chlorophyll. For many years they were classified in the plant…

cleft palate

(Encyclopedia) cleft palate, incomplete fusion of bones of the palate. The cleft may be confined to the soft palate at the back of the mouth; it may include the hard palate, or roof of the mouth; or…

Frankfurt an der Oder

(Encyclopedia) Frankfurt an der Oder Frankfurt an der Oder frängkˈf&oobreve;rt [key]…