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inn, lodging

(Encyclopedia) inn, in Great Britain, any hotel, public house, tavern, or coffeehouse where lodging is provided. In American usage, the inn is generally a small rural lodging house for transients.…


(Encyclopedia) arapaimaarapaimaărˌəpīˈmə [key], tropical fish, genus Arapaima, of the Amazon basin. Arapaimas are perhaps the largest of the strictly freshwater fishes, reportedly reaching a length…

Alfonso I, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) Alfonso I, 1109?–1185, first king of Portugal, son of Henry of Burgundy. After his father's death (1112), his mother, Countess Teresa, ruled the county of Portugal with the help of her…


(Encyclopedia) defibrillator, device that delivers an electrical shock to the heart in order to stop certain forms of rapid heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias). The shock changes a fibrillation…


(Encyclopedia) cyanobacteriacyanobacteriasīˌənōbăktĭrˈēə, sī-ănˌō– [key] or blue-green algae, photosynthetic bacteria that contain chlorophyll. For many years they were classified in the plant…

cleft palate

(Encyclopedia) cleft palate, incomplete fusion of bones of the palate. The cleft may be confined to the soft palate at the back of the mouth; it may include the hard palate, or roof of the mouth; or…

Hull, Cordell

(Encyclopedia) Hull, CordellHull, Cordellkôrdĕlˈ [key], 1871–1955, American statesman, b. Overton co. (now Pickett co.), Tenn. Admitted to the bar in 1891, he sat (1893–97) in the Tennessee…

Hastings, Alcee Lamar

(Encyclopedia) Hastings, Alcee Lamar, 1936-2021, African American judge and politician, b. Altamonte, Springs, Fl., Fisk Univ. (1958, B.A.), Florida…

Hall, Charles Francis

(Encyclopedia) Hall, Charles Francis, 1821–71, American arctic explorer, b. Rochester, N.H. He became interested in the many search expeditions for Sir John Franklin's party, and with Eskimo…


(Encyclopedia) apse, the termination at the sanctuary end of a church, generally semicircular in plan but sometimes square or polygonal. The apse appeared early in Roman temples and basilicas; it was…