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Parr, Catherine

(Encyclopedia) Parr, Catherine, 1512–48, sixth queen consort of Henry VIII of England. She was the daughter of Sir Thomas Parr, an officeholder at the court, and had been twice widowed before Henry…

Stevens, Isaac Ingalls

(Encyclopedia) Stevens, Isaac Ingalls, 1818–62, American army engineer, territorial governor, and Union general in the Civil War, b. North Andover (then part of Andover), Mass., grad. West Point,…


(Encyclopedia) PachycephalosaurusPachycephalosauruspăkˌĭsĕfˌəlōsôrˈəs [key] [Gr., = thick-headed lizard], bipedal herbivorous dinosaur of the late Cretaceous period, approximately 68–65 million years…


(Encyclopedia) reredosreredosrērˈdŏs [key], ornamented wall or screen that rises behind the high altar of a church, forming a background for it. It may be placed against the apse wall at the extreme…

mine, in warfare

(Encyclopedia) mine, in warfare, term formerly applied to a system of tunnels dug under an army fortification and ending in a chamber where either explosives were placed to be detonated at a chosen…

pearl, gem

(Encyclopedia) pearl, hard, rounded secretion formed inside the shell of certain mollusks, used as a gem. It is secreted by the epithelial cells of the mantle, a curtain of tissue between the shell…

Constantine V, Byzantine emperor

(Encyclopedia) Constantine V (Constantine Copronymus), 718–75, Byzantine emperor (741–75), son and successor of Leo III. An able general and administrator, he fought successfully against the Arabs,…

Cunard, Sir Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Cunard, Sir SamuelCunard, Sir Samuelky&oomacr;närdˈ [key], 1787–1865, Canadian pioneer of regular transatlantic steam navigation, b. Halifax, N.S. The son of a United Empire…

Frankfurt an der Oder

(Encyclopedia) Frankfurt an der Oder Frankfurt an der Oder frängkˈf&oobreve;rt [key]…

Hastings, Alcee Lamar

(Encyclopedia) Hastings, Alcee Lamar, 1936-2021, African American judge and politician, b. Altamonte, Springs, Fl., Fisk Univ. (1958, B.A.), Florida…