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Zatlers, Valdis

(Encyclopedia) Zatlers, ValdisZatlers, Valdisvälˈdĭs zätˈlĕrs [key], 1955–, Latvian physician and political leader. A graduate (1979) of the Riga Institute of Medicine, he is an orthopedic surgeon…

Blenheim, battle of

(Encyclopedia) Blenheim, battle of, major engagement of the War of the Spanish Succession (see Spanish Succession, War of the), fought on Aug. 13, 1704, at the village of Blenheim (Blindheim), near…

Betancourt, Rómulo

(Encyclopedia) Betancourt, RómuloBetancourt, Rómulorōˈm&oomacr;lō bĕtänk&oobreve;rˈ [key], 1908–81, Venezuelan political leader, president of Venezuela (1945–48, 1959–64). Following a stormy…

Three Young Men

(Encyclopedia) Three Young Men, in the Book of Daniel, the three men cast by Nebuchadnezzar into the fiery furnace and delivered by an angel. Their names are Abed-nego, Shadrach, and Meshach, in…

turn and bank indicator

(Encyclopedia) turn and bank indicator, aircraft instrument containing one indicator to show turning, or rotation about the vertical axis, and another to show banking, or rotation about the…

Beecher, Lyman

(Encyclopedia) Beecher, Lyman, 1775–1863, American Presbyterian clergyman, b. New Haven, Conn., grad. Yale, 1797. In 1799 he became pastor at East Hampton, N.Y. While serving (1810–26) in the…


(Encyclopedia) thermographythermographythûrˌmŏgˈrəfē [key], contact photocopying process that produces a direct positive image and in which infrared rays are used to expose the copy paper. In a…

Maccabees, books of the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Maccabees, two books included in the Septuagint and placed as the last two books in the Old Testament of the Vulgate; they are not included in the Hebrew Bible and are placed in the…

Fianna Fáil

(Encyclopedia) Fianna FáilFianna Fáilfēˈənə fäl [key], Irish political party, organized in 1926 by opponents of the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921 establishing the Irish Free State and setting up…

basic oxygen process

(Encyclopedia) basic oxygen process, method of producing steel from a charge consisting mostly of pig iron. The charge is placed in a furnace similar to the one used in the Bessemer process of…