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America's Most Endangered Places

The Ellis Island Hospital in New York Harbor is among American sites most at risk America's Most Endangered Places America's Most Endangered Places 2011America's Most Endangered Places…

Places to See Before They Disappear

Endangered travel destinations around the world by Elizabeth Olson Glacier National Park Related Links Distinctive Destinations in the U.S. Extreme Vacations…

Christina Rossetti: The Lowest Place

The Lowest PlaceGive me the lowest place: not that I dare Ask for that lowest place, but Thou hast died That I might live and share Thy glory by Thy side.Give me the lowest place: or if…

Native American Place Names

The name Tahoe (the lake in California/Nevada) is Washo for "big water." The state name Utah is from the Ute tribe, meaning "people of the mountains." Related Links Native American …

Brewer's: Place aux Dames

Make way for the ladies; give place to the ladies; the ladies first, if you please. Indirectly it means women beat the men hollow in every contest. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable…

Brewer's: Pouting Place of Princes

(The). Leicester Square is so called by Pennant, because George II., when Prince of Wales, having quarrelled with his father, retired to Leicester House; and his son Frederick, Prince of…

Former Place Names Quiz

Do you know the former names of some of the world's most famous cities and countries? Test your knowledge with our Former Place Names Quiz! From Mumbai to Istanbul, learn about the fascinating…

America's Most Endangered Places 2006

The Smithsonian Institution and the World Trade Center stairs are considered endangered properties by Mark Zurlo Arts and Industries Building of Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.…

America's Most Endangered Places 2007

Brooklyn's Industrial Waterfront among American sites most at risk by Mark Zurlo Greer Spring, Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri America's Most Endangered Places America's Most Endangered…