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(Encyclopedia) marriage, socially sanctioned union that reproduces the family. In all societies the choice of partners is generally guided by rules of exogamy (the obligation to marry outside a group…Brewer's: Marriages
Carrier's republican marriages. A device of wholesale slaughter, adopted by Carrier, proconsul of Nantes, in the first French Revolution. It consisted in tying men and women together by…Longest Celebrity Marriages
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6.…Utopia: Of Their Slaves, and of Their Marriages
Of the Travelling of the Utopians Of Their Military Discipline Of Their Slaves, and of Their Marriages "They do not make slaves of prisoners of war, except those that are taken in…The Devil's Dictionary: Marriage
by Ambrose Bierce MANNAMARTYRMARRIAGE -n. The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two.Brewer's: Banns of Marriage
The publication in the parish church for three successive Sundays of an intended marriage. It is made after the Second Lesson of the Morning Service. To announce the intention is called “…Brewer's: Fleet Marriages
Clandestine marriages, at one time performed without banns or licence by needy chaplains, in Fleet Prison, London. As many as thirty marriages a day were sometimes celebrated in this…Brewer's: Morganatic Marriage
(A). A marriage in which the wife does not take the husband's rank, because legally, or according to court bye-laws, the marriage is not recognised. This sort of marriage is effected when…Same-sex marriage
The Question: Which states recognize gay marriages or civil unions? The Answer: This is a hot-button issue and the status changes frequently, so…Brewer's: Marriage Knot
(The). The bond of marriage effected by the legal marriage service. The Latin phrase is nodus Herculeus, and part of the marriage service was for the bridegroom to loosen (solvere) the…