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(Encyclopedia) Pirithoüs or PeirithoüsPeirithoüsboth: pīrĭthˈōəs [key], in Greek mythology, king of the Lapithae. He and Theseus swore an oath of eternal friendship. Together they went on the…


(Encyclopedia) MedeaMedeamĭdēˈə [key], in Greek mythology, princess of Colchis, skilled in magic and sorcery. She fell in love with Jason and helped him, against the will of her father, Aeëtes, to…


(Encyclopedia) MilarepaMilarepamĭlärˈəpə [key], 1040–1143, saint and poet of Tibetan Buddhism. He was the second patriarch of the Kargyupa sect, the first being Milarepa's guru Marpa (1012–97), who…

Bontempelli, Massimo

(Encyclopedia) Bontempelli, MassimoBontempelli, Massimomäsˈsēmō bōntĕmpĕlˈlē [key], 1878–1960, Italian writer and critic. One of the first of the intellectuals to support fascism, he was also a…

Brentano, Clemens

(Encyclopedia) Brentano, ClemensBrentano, Clemensbrĕntäˈnō [key], 1778–1842, German poet of the romantic school; brother of Bettina von Arnim (see under Arnim, Achim von). While studying at Halle and…

Blume, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Blume, PeterBlume, Peterbl&oomacr;m [key], 1906–92, American painter, b. Russia. Blume immigrated to the United States in 1911. In his early work, such as The Parade (1930; Mus. of…


(Encyclopedia) MagiMagimāˈjī [key], priestly caste of ancient Persia. Probably Median in origin, they were, according to Herodotus, a tribe rather than a priestly family. Zoroaster is thought to have…


(Encyclopedia) lycanthropylycanthropylīkănˈthrəpē [key], in folklore, assumption by a human of the appearance and characteristics of an animal. Ancient belief in lycanthropy was widespread, and it…

Delaware Prophet

(Encyclopedia) Delaware ProphetDelaware Prophetdĕlˈəwâr, –wər [key], fl. 18th cent., Native American leader. His real name is not known. He began preaching (c.1762) among the Delaware of the…

Rivers, William Halse Rivers

(Encyclopedia) Rivers, William Halse Rivers, 1864–1922, British anthropologist. He taught at Cambridge from 1893 until shortly before his death. Trained in medicine and psychology, he pioneered in…