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Maitrayana-Brahmaya-Upanishad: Fourth Prapathaka

Fourth Prapathaka1. The Valakhilyas, whose passions were subdued, approached him full of amazement and said: “O Saint, we bow before thee; teach thou, for thou art the way, and there is no…

John Keats: Ode to a Nightingale

by John Keats Ode on a Grecian UrnOde to a Nightingale My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the…

Brewer's: Bo

or Boh, in old Runic, was a fierce Gothic captain, son of Odin. His name was used by his soldiers when they would take the enemy by surprise. (Sir William Temple.) From this name comes our…

Brewer's: Carpet

The magic carpet of Tangu. A carpet to all appearances worthless, but if anyone sat thereon, it would transport him instantaneously to the place he wished to go. So called because it came…

Brewer's: Harlequin

means a species of drama in two parts, the introduction and the harlequinade, acted in dumb show. The prototype is the Roman atellanæ but our Christmas pantomime or harlequinade is…

Brewer's: Helmets

Those of Saragossa were most in repute in the days of chivalry. Close helmet. The complete head-piece, having in front two movable parts, which could be lifted up or let down at pleasure…

Brewer's: Maugis d'Aygremont

Son of Duke Bevis of Aygremont, stolen in infancy by a female slave. As she rested under a white-thorn a lion and a leopard devoured her, and then killed each other in disputing for the…

Brewer's: Mazikeen

or Shedeem. A species of beings in Jewish mythology exactly resembling the Arabian Jinn or genii, and said to be the agents of magic and enchantment. When Adam fell, says the Talmud, he…

Brewer's: Stonehenge

says Geoffrey of Monmouth, was erected by Merlin (the magician) to perpetuate the treachery of Hengist, who desired a friendly meeting with Vortigern, but fell upon him and his 400…

Brewer's: Dee

—i.e. D for a detective. Look sharp! the dees are about. Dee (Dr. John). A man of vast knowledge, whose library, museum, and mathematical instruments were valued at pound £2,000. On one…