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Displaying 451 - 460

Brewer's: Nepenthe

(3 syl.) or Nepenthes, a drug to drive away care and superinduce love. Polydamna, wife of Thonis (or Thone, 1 syl.), King of Egypt, gave nepenthe to Helen (daughter of Jove and Leda).…

Brewer's: Oril'o

or Orillo (in Orlando Furioso, book viii.). A magician and robber who lived at the mouth of the Nile. He was the son of an imp and fairy. When any limb was lopped off he restored it by his…

Brewer's: Faust

(1 syl.). The grandest of all Goethe's dramas. Faust makes a compact with Mephistopheles, who on one occasion provides him with a cloak, by means of which he is wafted through the air…

Brewer's: Flute

The Magic Flute, an opera by Mozart (Die Zauberflöte). The “flute” was bestowed by the powers of darkness, and had the power of inspiring love. Unless purified the love was only lust, but…

Brewer's: Duergar

(2 syl.). Dwarfs who dwell in rocks and hills; noted for their strength, subtilty, magical powers, and skill in metallurgy. They are the personification of the subterranean powers of…

Brewer's: Eagle-stones

or Aetites Yellow clay ironstones supposed to have sanative and magical virtues. They are so called because they are found in eagles' nests. Epiphanius says, “In the interior of Scythia…

Brewer's: Medea's Kettle

or Caldron, to boil the old into youth again. Medea, the sorceress, cut an old ram to pieces, and, throwing the pieces into her caldron, the old ram came forth a young lamb. The daughters…

Brewer's: Morgan le Fay, Morgaine la Fee

or Morgana the Fairy. Daughter of Queen Igrayne, and half-sister of King Arthur, who revealed to him the intrigues of Sir Lancelot and Guinever. She gave him a cup containing a magic…

Most Frequently Produced Operas in North America

Over the Past Ten Seasons, 1996–1997 through 2005–2006Opera (composer)No. of productions La bohème (Puccini)300 La traviata (Verdi)281 Madama Butterfly (Puccini)272 Carmen (Bizet)250 Tosca (Puccini)…

Brewer's: Manduce

(2 syl.). the idol Gluttony, venerated by the Gastrolaters, people whose god was their belly. “It is a monstrous ... figure, fit to frighten little children; its eyes are bigger than its…