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Brewer's: Hell Broth

A magical mixture prepared for evil purposes. The witches in Macbeth made it. (See act iv. 1.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Hell GateHell A B C D E…

Brewer's: Melior

A lovely fairy, who carried off Parthenopex of Blois to her secret island in her magic bark. (French romance called Parthenopex de Blois, 12th cent.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Mimer

The Scandinavian god of wisdom, and most celebrated of the giants. The Vanir, with whom he was left as a hostage, cut off his head. Odin embalmed it by his magic art, pronounced over it…

Brewer's: Miolnier

(3 syl.) [the crusher]. The magic hammer of Thor. It would never fail to hit a Troll; would never miss to hit whatever it was thrown at; would always return to the owner of its own accord…

Brewer's: Logistilla

(in Orlando Furioso). The good fairy, and sister of Alcina the sorceress. She teaches Ruggiero to manage the hippogriff, and gives Astolpho a magic book and horn. The impersonation of…

Brewer's: Trismogistus

[thrice greatest ]. Hermes, the Egyptian philosopher, or Thoth, councillor of Osiris, King of Egypt, to whom is attributed a host of inventions- amongst others the art of writing in…

Brewer's: Wound

Bind the wound, and grease the weapon. This is a Rosicrucian maxim. These early physicians applied salve to the weapon instead of to the wound, under…

Brewer's: Carminative

A charm medicine. Magic and charms were at one time the chief “medicines,” and the fact is perpetuated by the word carminative, among others. Carminatives are given to relieve flatulence…

Brewer's: Cestus

in Homer, is the girdle of Venus, of magical power to move to ardent love. In Jerusalem Delivered, Armida wore a similar cestus. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer…

Brewer's: Geomancy

(g soft). Divining by the earth. So termed because these diviners in the sixteenth century drew on the earth their magic circles, figures, and lines. (Greek, ge, the earth; mantei'a,…