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Displaying 421 - 430

Tales from Shakespeare: As You Like It

As You Like It During the time that France was divided into provinces (or dukedoms, as they were called) there reigned in one of these provinces a usurper who had deposed and banished his…

Walt Whitman: Song of the Exposition, Part 5

Part 5We do not blame thee elder World, nor really separate ourselves from thee, (Would the son separate himself from the father?) Looking back on thee, seeing thee to thy duties, grandeurs,…

Make Your Own Lava Lamp!

Art meets science, or vice versa by Holly Hartman Did you ever hear that "oil and water don't mix"? Here's groovy proof. You will need: vegetable oil or baby oil water food…

Film Producer

Laura Tyler Tell us about your work -- what do you do? I am a Writer and Producer at a small, independent film and video production…

Brewer's: Haroot

and Maroot. Two angels who, in consequence of their want of compassion to man, are susceptible of human passions, and are sent upon earth to be tempted. They were at one time kings of…

Brewer's: Hell Broth

A magical mixture prepared for evil purposes. The witches in Macbeth made it. (See act iv. 1.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Hell GateHell A B C D E…

The Year in Sports

by Gerry Brown, John Gettings, & Mike Morrison Related Links Deaths in 1998Champions of 19981999 PreviewWe may never see a year in sports like 1998 again. It started early with John Elway'…

Brewer's: Carminative

A charm medicine. Magic and charms were at one time the chief “medicines,” and the fact is perpetuated by the word carminative, among others. Carminatives are given to relieve flatulence…

Brewer's: Cestus

in Homer, is the girdle of Venus, of magical power to move to ardent love. In Jerusalem Delivered, Armida wore a similar cestus. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer…