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Black Maria

The Question: What's a Black Maria? The Answer: A "black maria" is a slang term for a police wagon. How did it get this name? We don't know. But here are two…

Brewer's: Black Hole of Calcutta

A dark cell in a prison into which Suraja Dowlah thrust 146 British prisoners. Next morning only twenty-three were found alive (1756). The punishment cell or lock-up in barracks. Source…

Brewer's: Black Maria

The black van which conveys prisoners from the police courts to jail. The French call a mud-barge a “Marie-salope.” The tradition is that the van referred to was so called from Maria Lee,…

brake, in technology

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Shoe brake CE5 Disk brake brake, in technology, device to slow or stop the motion of a mechanism or vehicle. The vacuum brake system, or vacuum brake, depends upon the use…

Dan's Christmas

Dan's ChristmasWhere was Dan? In prison. Alas for Mrs Jo! how her heart would have ached if she had known that while old Plum shone with Christmas cheer her boy sat alone in his cell, trying…