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Anatomy and
Physiology: The Parts of a Bone

The Parts of a BoneAnatomy and PhysiologyThe BonesThe Parts of a BoneThat's the Long and Short of ItThe More Things Change …Now with a Self-Repairing Option! Most people envision bone as being…

2012 Nobel Prize Winners

Related Links Nobel Prize History Nobel Prize History Quiz Nobel Peace Prize Winners Quiz Women Nobel Prize Winners Quiz…

2014 Nobel Prize Winners

Related Links Nobel Prize History Nobel Prize History Quiz Nobel Peace Prize Winners Quiz Women Nobel Prize Winners Quiz…

Howard Walter CANNON, Congress, NV (1912-2002)

Senate Years of Service: 1959-1983 Party: Democrat CANNON Howard Walter , a Senator from Nevada; born in St. George, Washington County, Utah, January 26, 1912; graduated from Arizona State Teachers…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Acting in Concert

Acting in ConcertAnatomy and PhysiologyThe MusclesActing in ConcertFibers Every Which Way With almost 700 muscles, both superficial and deep, it makes sense that some of them might work together…

Rulers of the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic

Over a millennium of leadership (good and bad) Take me to the Kings | Take me to the Republic Leaders | Take me to the Emperors More than a millennium passed between the founding of Rome and the…

stalactite and stalagmite

(Encyclopedia) stalactitestalactitestəlăkˈtīt [key] and stalagmitestalagmitestəlăgˈmīt [key], mineral forms often found in caves; sometimes collectively called dripstone. A stalactite is an icicle-…

serum sickness

(Encyclopedia) serum sickness, hypersensitive response that occurs after injection of a large amount of foreign protein. The condition is named for the serum taken from horses or other animals…

Balkan Wars

(Encyclopedia) Balkan Wars, 1912–13, two short wars, fought for the possession of the European territories of the Ottoman Empire. The outbreak of the Italo-Turkish War for the possession of Tripoli (…