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(Encyclopedia) ivy, name applied loosely to any trailing or climbing plant, particularly cultivated forms, but more popularly a designation for Hedera helix, the so-called English ivy, and some…

Brewer's: Ivy

(Old English, ifig). Dedicated to Bacchus from the notion that it is a preventive of drunkenness. But whether the Dionysian ivy is the same plant as that which we call ivy is doubtful, as…


(Encyclopedia) onomatopoeiaonomatopoeiaŏnˌəmătˌəpēˈə [key] [Gr.,=word-making], in language, the representation of a sound by an imitation thereof; e.g., the cat mews. Poets often convey the meaning…

Brewer's: Ivy Bush

Like an owl in an ivy-bush. Having a sapient, vacant look, as some persons have when in their cups; having a stupid vacant stare. Owls are proverbial for their judge-like solemnity, and…

Brewer's: Ivy Lane

(London). So called from the houses of the prebendaries of St. Paul, overgrown with ivy, which once stood there. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894IxionIvy…

Brewer's: Owl in an Ivy Bush

(Like an). Very ugly, a horrible fright [of a fellow]. Said of (or to) a person who has dressed his head unbecomingly, or that has a scared look, an untidy head of hair, or that looks…

Colonial American and Ivy League Colleges

America's oldest and prestigious universities While a number of present-day colleges were founded as secondary schools before the American Revolution, only nine existed as colleges at that point.…