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Traikov, Georgi

(Encyclopedia) Traikov, GeorgiTraikov, Georgigēôrˈgē trīkôfˈ [key], 1898–1975, Bulgarian politician and agronomist. Active in agrarian politics from the end of World War I, he rose to become minister…

nimbus, in art

(Encyclopedia) nimbusnimbusnĭmˈbəs [key], in art, the luminous disk or circle or other indication of light around the head of a sacred personage. It was used in Buddhist and other Asian art and by…

Aguiyi-Ironsi, Johnson Thomas Umunnakwe

(Encyclopedia) Aguiyi-Ironsi, Johnson Thomas Umunnakwe, 1924–1966, Nigerian military officer and political leader. An Igbo from Umuahia, he joined the Nigerian army in 1942 and received military…

Summit, Pat

(Encyclopedia) Summit, Pat (Patricia Sue Summit), 1952–2016, American basketball player and coach, b. Clarksville, Tenn., as Patricia Sue Head. She played basketball at the Univ. of Tennessee at…


(Encyclopedia) lettuce, annual garden plant (Lactuca sativa and varieties) of the family Asteraceae (aster family), probably native to the East Indies or Asia Minor, possibly as a derivative of the…

prime minister

(Encyclopedia) prime minister or premier, chief member of the cabinet in a parliamentary system of government. The prime minister is head of the government, in contrast with the head of state, who…

Shelepin, Aleksandr

(Encyclopedia) Shelepin, AleksandrShelepin, Aleksandrəlyĭksänˈdər shĕlĕˈpĭn [key], 1918–94, political leader in the Soviet Union. Active in the Young Communist League from the early 1940s, he later…

Samoa, country, SW Pacific Ocean

(Encyclopedia) Samoa, formerly Western Samoa, officially Independent State of Samoa, constitutional monarchy (2015 est. pop. 194,000), South Pacific, comprising the western half of the Samoa island…


(Encyclopedia) Jeshua or JeshuahJeshuahboth: jĕshˈy&oomacr;ə [key] [Heb.,=God helps], in the Bible. 1 See Joshua. 2 See Joshua (2.) 3 Head of a postexilic family. 4 Priestly family. 5 Head of a…


(Encyclopedia) adze, tool similar in purpose and use to an axe but with the cutting edge at right angles to the handle rather than aligned with it. The details of construction of a particular adze…