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Gordon, Bruce S.

(Encyclopedia) Gordon, Bruce S., 1946–, African-American business executive and civil-rights leader, b. Camden, N.J.; grad. Gettysburg College (B.A., 1968), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.S…


(Encyclopedia) Anticosti Anticosti ăntĭkŏsˈtē [key], low, flat island, 135 mi (217 km) long and 10 to 30 mi (16–48 km) wide, E Que., Canada, at the head of the Gulf of St.…

Mas i Gavarró, Artur

(Encyclopedia) Mas i Gavarró, Artur, 1956–, Catalonian nationalist leader, b. Barcelona, grad. Univ. of Barcelona. An economist, he was the head of the Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC), a…

Lombardi, Vince

(Encyclopedia) Lombardi, Vince (Vincent Thomas Lombardi), 1913–70, American football coach, b. New York City. As a student at Fordham, he was a member of the famed “Seven Blocks of Granite” line.…

Maga, Hubert

(Encyclopedia) Maga, Hubert (Hubert Coutoucou Maga)Maga, Hubertübârˈ mäˈgä [key], 1916–2000, political leader in Dahomey (now Benin). A teacher, he became active in politics and was (1951–58) a…


(Encyclopedia) mermaid, in folklore, sea-dwelling creature commonly represented as having the head and body of a woman and a fishtail instead of legs. Belief in mermaids, and in their counterpart,…

Clark, Mark Wayne

(Encyclopedia) Clark, Mark Wayne, 1896–1984, U.S. general, b. Madison Barracks, N.Y. A West Point graduate, he served as a captain in World War I and rose to become (1942) army ground forces chief of…


(Encyclopedia) Cleisthenes, fl. 510 b.c., Athenian statesman. He was the head of his family, the Alcmaeonidae, after the exile of Hippias, and with Spartan help had made himself undisputed ruler of…

Duisenberg, Willem Frederik

(Encyclopedia) Duisenberg, Willem Frederik, 1935–2005, Dutch banker and advocate of European monentary union. He worked (1965–69) as an economist with the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D…

Downing, Sir George

(Encyclopedia) Downing, Sir George, 1623–84, English diplomat. A nephew of Gov. John Winthrop of Massachusetts, he was educated at Harvard. He returned (1646) to England, joined the parliamentarians…