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Dunnet Head

(Encyclopedia) Dunnet Head, sandstone promontory, 341 ft (104 m) high, Highland, NE Scotland. It is the northern extremity of the Scottish mainland.

Flamborough Head

(Encyclopedia) Flamborough HeadFlamborough Headflămˈbərə [key], chalk promontory, East Riding of Yorkshire, E England, N of Bridlington Bay. There is a lighthouse at the tip. Danes' Dyke (an ancient…

Head, Bessie

(Encyclopedia) Head, Bessie, 1937–86, South African writer. Born in South Africa to a white mother and black father, she was placed in foster homes and orphanages as a child. After 1964, she lived in…

Head, Edith

(Encyclopedia) Head, Edith, 1907–81, American costume designer, b. Los Angeles, Calif. She began to design costumes for the motion pictures in the early 1930s, working at Paramount for most of her…

Head, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Head, Richard, c.1637–c.1686, English writer. His best-known work is The English Rogue (1665), a collection of crude picaresque stories. Sequels to this work were written by Francis…


(Encyclopedia) head-hunting, practice of taking and preserving the head of a slain enemy. It has occurred throughout the world from ancient times into the 20th cent. In Europe, it flourished in the…

Head Start

(Encyclopedia) Head Start, U.S. educational program for disadvantaged preschool children, established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Aimed initially only at poor children, its purpose…

The Devil's Dictionary: Head-money

by Ambrose Bierce HATREDHEARSEHEAD-MONEY -n. A capitation tax, or poll-tax. In ancient times there lived a king Whose tax-collectors could not wring From all his subjects gold…

Brewer's: Death's Head on a Mopstick

A thin, sickly person, a mere anatomy, is so called. When practical jokes were more common it was by no means unusual to mount on a mopstick a turnip with holes for eyes, and a candle…

Brewer's: Norna of the Fitful Head

A character in Sir Walter Scott's Pirate, to illustrate that singular kind of insanity which is ingenious in self-imposition, as those who fancy a lunatic asylum their own palace, the…