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Brewer's: Head and Shoulders

A phrase of sundry shades of meaning. Thus “head and shoulders taller” means considerably tall; to turn one out head and shoulders means to drive one out forcibly and without ceremony.…

Brewer's: Heads or Tails

Guess whether the coin tossed up will come down with headside uppermost or not. The side not bearing the head has various devices, sometimes Britannia, sometimes George and the Dragon,…

Brewer's: Great Head

Malcolm III., of Scotland; also called Canmore, which means the same thing. (Reigned 1057-1093.) “Malcolm III., called Canmore or Great Head.” —SirW.Scott: Tales of a Grandfather, i, 4.…

Head Above Water

Director: Jim WilsonWriter: Theresa MarieDirector of Photography:Richard BowenEditor:Michael R. MillerMusic:Christopher YoungProduction Designer:Jeffrey BeecroftProducers:Jim Wilson and John…

Phillips Head Screwdriver

The Question: Who is the Phillips head screwdriver named after? Is there really a Phillips? The Answer: There really is a Phillips! Henry F.…

Beachy Head

(Encyclopedia) Beachy Head, high chalk cliffs (575 ft/175 m), on the south coast of East Sussex, S England. The battle of Beachy Head, in the War of the Grand Alliance, was fought (1690) between an…

Indian Head

(Encyclopedia) Indian Head, town, SE Sask., Canada, E of Regina. In a wheat-growing region, it has flour mills and grain elevators. A dominion…

Diamond Head

(Encyclopedia) Diamond Head, peak, 761 ft (232 m) high, along the rim of an extinct volcano, SE Oahu island, Hawaii. A prominent point in the Honolulu skyline, Diamond Head was designated a national…

Duncansby Head

(Encyclopedia) Duncansby Head or Duncansbay Head, sandstone cliff, 210 ft (64 m) high, Highland, NE Scotland. It is the northeastern extremity of the Scottish mainland.