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(Encyclopedia) scalp, the integument covering the top of the head. It consists of three layers of tissue: the skin, an underlying layer of tissue and blood vessels, and the occipitofrontalis muscle…


(Encyclopedia) headdress, head covering or decoration, protective or ceremonial, which has been an important part of costume since ancient times. Its style is governed in general by climate,…


(Encyclopedia) Shannon, principal river of the Republic of Ireland and longest (c.240 mi/390 km) in the British Isles. It rises near Cuilcagh Mt., NW Co. Cavan, and flows S through the Central Plain…

Cary, William Sterling

(Encyclopedia) Cary, William Sterling, 1927-2021, American religious leader, b. Plainfield, N.J., Morehouse College (B.A., 1949), Union…

Auriemma, Geno

(Encyclopedia) Auriemma, Geno (Luigi Auriemma), 1954–, American basketball coach, b. Montella, Italy, grad. West Chester State College (now West Chester Univ. of Pennsylvania), 1977. After coaching…

sperm oil

(Encyclopedia) sperm oil, liquid wax obtained from the sperm whale, or cachalot, and related marine mammals. It flows readily, is clear, and varies in color from pale yellow to brownish yellow.…


(Encyclopedia) stargazer, common name for any of several species of marine fishes of the family Uranoscopidae, found in southern waters, and having the mouth, nostrils, and eyes set high in the head…

Perseus, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia) PerseusPerseuspûrˈsēəs, –s&oobreve;s [key], in Greek mythology, son of Zeus and Danaë. His grandfather, Acrisius, had been warned by an oracle that his grandson would kill him and…