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Kicked in the Head

Director: Matthew HarrisonWriters: Kevin Corrigan and Matthew HarrisonDirectors of Photography:John Thomas and Howard KrupaEditor:Michael BerenbaumMusic:Stephen EndelmanProduction Designer:…

Brewer's: Head

(Latin, caput; Saxon, hedfod; Scotch, hafet; contracted into head.) Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. Better be foremost amongst commoners than the lowest of the…

Brewer's: Dog-head

(in machinery). That which bites or holds the gun-flint. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Dog-headed TribesDog-grass A B C D E F G H I J K L M N…

Brewer's: Boar's Head

[The Christmas dish.] Freyr, the Scandinavian god of peace and plenty, used to ride on the boar Gullinbursti; his festival was held at Yuletide (winter solstice), when a boar was…

Brewer's: Brazen Head

The following are noted:- One by Albertus Magnus, which cost him thirty years' labour, and was broken into a thousand pieces by Thomas Aquinas, his disciple. One by Friar Bacon. “Bacon…

Brewer's: Long-headed

Clever, sharp-witted. Those who believe in the shape and bumps of the head think that a long head indicates shrewdness. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Long…

Brewer's: Head of Cattle

Cattle are counted by the head; manufacturing labourers by hands, as “How many hands do you employ?” horses by the nose (See Nose); guests at dinner by the cover, as “Covers for ten,” etc…

Brewer's: Head and Ears

Over head and ears [in debt, in love, etc.], completely; entirely. The allusion is to a person immersed in water. The French phrase is “Avoir des dettes pardessus la tete.” Source:…

Brewer's: Head and Shoulders

A phrase of sundry shades of meaning. Thus “head and shoulders taller” means considerably tall; to turn one out head and shoulders means to drive one out forcibly and without ceremony.…