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(Encyclopedia) MaoriMaorimäˈōrē [key], people of New Zealand and the Cook Islands, believed to have migrated in early times from other islands of Polynesia. Maori tradition asserts that seven canoes…

information storage and retrieval

(Encyclopedia) information storage and retrieval, the systematic process of collecting and cataloging data so that they can be located and displayed on request. Computers and data processing…


(Encyclopedia) ApenninesApenninesăpˈənīnz [key], Ital. Appennino, mountain system, running the entire length of the Italian peninsula. It extends south c.840 mi (1,350 km) from the Cadibona Pass in…


(Encyclopedia) lupine or lupinlupinl&oomacr;ˈpĭn [key], any species of the genus Lupinus, annual or perennial herbs or shrubs of the family Leguminosae (pulse family). These leguminous plants…

liquid crystal

(Encyclopedia) liquid crystal, liquid whose component particles, atoms or molecules, tend to arrange themselves with a degree of order far exceeding that found in ordinary liquids and approaching…


(Encyclopedia) elandelandēˈlənd [key], large, spiral-horned African antelope, genus Taurotragus, found in brush country or open forest at the edge of grasslands. Elands live in small herds and are…


(Encyclopedia) drought, abnormally long period of insufficient rainfall. Drought cannot be defined in terms of inches of rainfall or number of days without rain, since it is determined by such…


(Encyclopedia) horsetail, any plant of the genus Equisetum [Lat.,=horse bristle], the single surviving genus of a large group (Equisetophyta) of primitive vascular plants. Like the ferns and club…

hail, in meteorology

(Encyclopedia) hail, precipitation in the form of pellets composed of ice or of ice and snow, occurring at any time of the year, usually during the passage of a cold front or during a thunderstorm.…

Kabila, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Kabila, JosephKabila, Josephkäbēˈlä [key], 1971–, Congolese political leader, eldest son of Laurent Kabila. He was educated in Tanzania while his father was in exile there, and after…