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Bengal, Bay of

(Encyclopedia) Bengal, Bay of, arm of the Indian Ocean, c.1,300 mi (2,090 km) long and 1,000 mi (1,610 km) wide, bordered on the W by Sri Lanka and India, on the N by Bangladesh, and on the E by…


(Encyclopedia) virtue [Lat.,=manliness], in philosophy, quality of good in human conduct. The cardinal virtues, as presented by Plato, were wisdom (or prudence), courage, temperance, and justice.…


(Encyclopedia) thrips, minute, agile insects of the order Thysanoptera. Thrips have piercing-and-sucking mouthparts and cup-shaped feet from which bladderlike adhesive organs may be extended. Some…

Tsui, Daniel Chee

(Encyclopedia) Tsui, Daniel Chee, 1938–, Chinese-American physicist, b. Henan, China, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1967. He was a member of the technical staff at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N.J., from 1968…

zoological garden

(Encyclopedia) zoological garden or zoo, public or private park where living animals are kept for exhibition and study. The menageries and aviaries of China, Egypt, and Rome were famous in ancient…


(Encyclopedia) TinianTiniantĭnēănˈ, tēnēänˈ [key], island (2010 pop. 3,136), 39 sq mi (101 sq km), W Pacific, one of the Northern Mariana Islands. The island lies immediately SW of Saipan. The…


(Encyclopedia) serpent, term sometimes used to designate the larger species of snakes in mythology and folklore, a name often applied to any sinuous, crawling creature, chiefly to a snake. No sea…


(Encyclopedia) phenomenon, an observable fact or event; in philosophy the definitions and uses of the term have varied. In the philosophy of Aristotle phenomena were the objects of the senses (e.g.,…


(Encyclopedia) slug, name for a terrestrial gastropod mollusk in which the characteristic molluscan shell is reduced to a thin plate embedded in the tissues. Like the terrestrial snails of the same…

shock wave

(Encyclopedia) shock wave, wave formed of a zone of extremely high pressure within a fluid, especially the atmosphere, that propagates through the fluid at a speed in excess of the speed of sound. A…