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Ono no Komachi

(Encyclopedia) Ono no KomachiOno no Komachiōˈnō nō kōˈmäˈchē [key], fl. c.833–857, Japanese poet. She was celebrated for her beauty and erotically charged poetry. Ranked among the most prominent…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Internal anatomy of a lamp shell, Magellania, representative of the phylum Brachiopoda BrachiopodaBrachiopodabrākēŏpˈədə [key], phylum of shelled sessile or sedentary marine…

smart card

(Encyclopedia) smart card, small device that resembles a credit card but contains an embedded microprocessor to store and process information. Magnetic-stripe cards, which store a very small amount…


(Encyclopedia) Romani or RomanyRomaniboth: rŏmˈənē, rōˈ– [key], people known historically in English as Gypsies and their language. 1 A traditionally nomadic people with particular folkways and a…


(Encyclopedia) monkey, any of a large and varied group of mammals of the primate order. The term monkey includes all primates that do not belong to the categories human, ape, or prosimian; however,…


(Encyclopedia) cockroach or roach, name applied to some 4,600 species of flat-bodied, oval insects in the order Blattodea. Cockroaches have long antennae, long legs adapted to running, and a flat…


(Encyclopedia) tuna or tunny, game and food fishes, the largest members of the family Scombridae (mackerel family) and closely related to the albacore and bonito. They have streamlined bodies with…

wild rice

(Encyclopedia) wild rice, tall aquatic plant (Zizania aquatica) of the family Poaceae (grass family), of a genus separate from common rice (Oryza). Wild rice (called also Canada rice, Indian rice,…

giant African land snail

(Encyclopedia) giant African land snail, any of several species of large terrestrial snails of tropical Africa that have become agricultural pests in other regions of the world. The species include…


(Encyclopedia) mastectomymastectomymăstĕkˈtəmē [key], surgical removal of breast tissue, usually done as treatment for breast cancer. There are many types of mastectomy. In general, the farther the…