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Gildas, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Gildas, SaintGildas, Saintgĭlˈdəs [key], d. 570, British historian, possibly a Welsh monk. Shortly before 547 he wrote the De excidio et conquestu Britanniae, a Latin history of…

Angus cattle

(Encyclopedia) Angus cattleAngus cattleăngˈgəs [key], breed of black polled (hornless) beef cattle, originated in Scotland and introduced in 1873 to the United States, where they have become well…

brig, sailing vessel

(Encyclopedia) brig, two-masted sailing vessel, square-rigged on both masts. Brigs have been used as cargo ships and also, in the past, as small warships carrying about 10 guns. They vary in length…

Wellesley College

(Encyclopedia) Wellesley College, at Wellesley, Mass.; for women; chartered 1870, opened 1875. Long a leader in women's education, it was the first woman's college to have scientific laboratories.…


(Encyclopedia) benediction [Lat.,=blessing], solemn blessing usually administered in the name of God by a priest or a minister. The temple worship at Jerusalem had fixed forms of benedictions, and…

river blindness

(Encyclopedia) river blindness or onchocerciasis, disease caused by the parasitic nematode worm Onchocerca volvulus. The worm larvae are transmitted by the bites of blackflies (genus Simulium) that…


(Encyclopedia) kosher [Heb.,=proper, i.e., fit for use], in Judaism, term used in rabbinic literature to mean what is ritually correct, but most widely applied to food that is in accordance with…

Göbekli Tepe

(Encyclopedia) Göbekli Tepe, Neolithic site in SE Turkey, c. 9 mi (15 km) NE of Şanlıurfa, that dates to c.11,000 b.c. or earlier. Although previously known, it was first recognized as a Neolithic…


(Encyclopedia) incubator, apparatus for the maintenance of controlled conditions in which eggs can be hatched artificially. Incubator houses with double walls of mud, a fireroom, and several…


(Encyclopedia) PachycephalosaurusPachycephalosauruspăkˌĭsĕfˌəlōsôrˈəs [key] [Gr., = thick-headed lizard], bipedal herbivorous dinosaur of the late Cretaceous period, approximately 68–65 million years…