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(Encyclopedia) halophytehalophytehălˈəfītˌ [key], any plant, especially a seed plant, that is able to grow in habitats excessively rich in salts, such as salt marshes, sea coasts, and saline or…

pipe smoking

(Encyclopedia) pipe smoking. The habit of smoking various substances probably arose independently in different parts of the world. Herodotus in the 5th cent. b.c. describes the Scythians as inhaling…

Australian languages

(Encyclopedia) Australian languages, aboriginal languages spoken on the continent of Australia. The Australian languages do not appear to be related to any other linguistic family. The exact number…


(Encyclopedia) mustang [Sp. mesteño=a stray], small feral horse of the W United States. Mustangs are descended from escaped Native American horses, which in turn were descended from horses of North…

walking stick

(Encyclopedia) walking stick or stick insect, names applied to extremely longbodied, slow-moving, herbivorous insects, forming a single family in the order Phasmatodea. Walking sticks have green,…

Legionnaire's disease

(Encyclopedia) Legionnaire's diseaseLegionnaire's diseaselēˌjənârzˈ [key], infectious, sometimes fatal, disease characterized by high fever, dry cough, lung congestion, and subsequent pneumonia.…

enterprise zone

(Encyclopedia) enterprise zone, designated geographical district in which resident businesses are legally entitled to receive special benefits from a government, established in economically depressed…

horn, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) horn, in zoology, one of a pair of structures projecting from the head of a hoofed animal, used chiefly as a weapon. In cattle, sheep, Old World antelopes, and related animals the…

Kajita, Takaaki

(Encyclopedia) Kajita, Takaaki 1959–, Japanese physicist, Ph.D. Univ. of Tokyo, 1986. In 1988 he joined the faculty at the Univ. of Tokyo, where he is now professor and director of the Institute for…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Homology in bones of a bird wing and an amphibian foreleg homologyhomologyhōmŏlˈəjē [key], in biology, the correspondence between structures of different species that is…