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Financial Advisor

Richard M. Kenton Tell us about your work---what do you do? Provide wealth management services for high net worth individuals and their families.…

Financial Consultant

Charles Reaves Tell us about your work---what do you do? I do management consulting for small and mid-sized business' in the areas of corporate…

Financial Analyst

What is this job like? Financial analysts help people decide how to invest their money. They work for banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, and securities firms. They often meet with…

Financial Websites

American Association of Individual Investors Mutual Funds Homepage Foreign Exchange Rates U.S. Securities and Exchange…

Financial Planners

Source: Consumer Federation of American and National Institute for Consumer Education. The way in which a financial planner is compensated can directly affect the advice he or she gives clients. A…

Financial Advisor (#2)

A. Maronge Tell us about your work-what do you do? I am a financial auditor for Ernst & Young . What skills are…

Financial Aid Glossary

by Kay Peterson, Ph.D., Academic Year The period in which school is in session - typically September through May. Accrual Date The date on which interest charges on an…

Glossary of Financial Terms

Adjusted gross income Amount of income that is subject to federal income tax. In addition to any other tax credits, contributions to IRAs and 401(k) plans are subtracted from the total. Aggressive…

Finance---Certified Financial Planner

William W. Davis, CFP Tell us about your work---what do you do? I am an independent Certified Financial Planner and Registered Investment Advisor…