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Brewer's: Ex Cathedra

(Latin). With authority. The Pope, speaking ex cathedra, is said to speak with an infallible voice—to speak as the successor and representative of St. Peter, and in his pontifical…

Brewer's: Ex Hypothesi

according to what is supposed or assumed. “The justification of the charge [i.e. the tax for betterment] lies ex hypothesi in an enhanced value of the property in the Betterment area.” —…

Brewer's: Ex Officio

(Latin, by virtue of his office). As, the Lord Mayor for the time being shall be ex officio one of the trustees. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Ex ParteEx…

Brewer's: Ex Parte

(Latin, proceeding only from one of the parties). An ex-parte statement is a one-sided statement, a partial statement, a statement made by one of the litigants without being modified by…

Brewer's: Ex Professo

(Latin). Avowedly; expressly. “I have never written ex professo on the subject.” —Gladstone: Nineteenth Century, Nov., 1885. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Arthur Upson: Ex Libris

Ex LibrisArthur UpsonIn an old book at even as I read Fast fading words adown my shadowy page, I crossed a tale of how, in other age, At Arqua, with his books around him, sped The word to…

Brewer's: Ex Luce Lucellum

To make a gain out of light; to make a cheese-paring from lucifer-matches. When Robert Lowe proposed to tax lucifer-matches, he suggested that the boxes should be labelled Ex luce lucellum…

Brewer's: Ex Ped'e Herculem

From this sample you can judge of the whole. Plutarch says that Pythagoras ingeniously calculated the height of Hercules by comparing the length of various stadia in Greece. A stadium was…

Brewer's: Ex Post Facto

(Latin). An ex post facto law. A law made to meet and punish a crime after the offence has been committed. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Ex ProfessoEx Ped…

Brewer's: Ex Uno Omnes

means from the one instance deduced you may infer the nature of the rest. A general inference from a particular example. If one oak-tree bears acorns, all other oak-trees will grow similar…