Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Iberville, Pierre le Moyne, sieur d'

(Encyclopedia)Iberville, Pierre le Moyne, sieur d' pyĕr lə mwän syör dēbĕrvēlˈ [key], 1661–1706, French Canadian naval officer, founder of the French territory of Louisiana, b. Ville Marie (in present Mon...

Bienville, Jean Baptiste le Moyne, sieur de

(Encyclopedia)Bienville, Jean Baptiste le Moyne, sieur de zhäN bätēstˈ lə mwän syör də byăNvēlˈ [key], 1680–1768, colonizer and governor of Louisiana, b. Ville Marie (on the site of Montreal), Canada; ...

Le Moyne

(Encyclopedia)Le Moyne lə mwän [key], Canadian family. It was founded by Charles le Moyne, sieur de Longueuil, whose 11 sons were noted soldiers, explorers, and colonizers. The two most famous sons were the sieur...

Longueuil, Charles le Moyne, sieur de

(Encyclopedia)Longueuil, Charles le Moyne, sieur de shärl lə mwän, syör də lôNgöˈyə [key], 1626–85, French colonial leader in Canada, founder of a famous Canadian family, b. Dieppe, France. Emigrating to...

Severn, river, Canada

(Encyclopedia)Severn sĕvˈərn [key]. 1 River, c.420 mi (680 km) long, rising in W Ont., Canada, and flowing NE through Severn Lake to Hudson Bay. Fort Severn, a Hudson's Bay Company trading post established (1689...

Boisguilbert, Pierre le Pesant, sieur de

(Encyclopedia)Boisguilbert, Pierre le Pesant, sieur de pyĕr lə pəzäNˈ syör də bwägēlbĕrˈ [key], 1646–1714, French economist. A local official of Rouen after 1689, he proposed a radical alteration of th...

Le Moyne, François

(Encyclopedia)Le Moyne, Le Moine, or Lemoine, François all: fräNswäˈ lə mwänˈ [key], 1688–1737, French painter. After a stay in Venice in 1723, he developed a colorful, sumptuous manner based on the Veneti...

Washington, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Washington. 1 City (1990 pop. 10,838), seat of Daviess co., SW Ind.; settled 1805, inc. as a city 1871. Turkey processing and farming are the chief economic activities, and there is light manufacturin...

Cauchon, Pierre

(Encyclopedia)Cauchon, Pierre pyĕr kōshôNˈ [key], d. 1442, bishop of Beauvais, France, president of the ecclesiastic court that convicted (1431) Joan of Arc at Rouen. His violent partisanship for the English ma...

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